When did you first meet Dj Mo?
We met at a concert in 2010, but we just engaged in small talk. I began talking to him and other players in the gospel industry around October 2012 when I felt like getting closer to God. By the end of October, I got saved and for some reason or other, the only person I shared the news with was DJ Mo as I was not ready to make the news public yet.
When did you start dating?
People assumed that we started dating after I got saved, which is not the case. We had graduated from being good friends to dating. He is the one who helped me stand and come out publicly and cross over into gospel.
By then, did you know that he was the “one”, because you got married a few months down the line?
I was not sure. But DJ Mo told me that he knew. In fact, what made me start to look at him as my potential “one”, was that he stood by me after the announcement. I got a lot of negative backlash. It was a trying time for me. I was going through everything from an identity, to family crisis, and he stood by me. That did it for me!
What do you love and cherish most about DJ Mo?
He is not in love with Size 8, he loves Linet. He did not want to carry me around like a trophy; he treated me like I was his partner. I know without a doubt that he would love me even if my career ended today, and there was no red hair, and my make-up was gone, and I gained weight, and all that was left was Linet.
What annoys you most about him?
He is strict about time. I am the exact opposite. I can never keep time. Sometimes he ends up chasing me out of the house (laughs).
First date?
We met in town; I parked my car and got into his and we just drove for hours and talked.
How did he propose?
He took me to Tribe for dinner. After dinner he got down on his knees and asked me to be his wife.
Why did you decide to have a secret wedding?
It was not a secret or a hidden wedding; we simply invited people who we are closest to. We wanted to have an intimate and small wedding where we could share with our loved ones.
Who is he when you strip away his title of DJ, host or businessman?
He has a big heart and is playful; he always makes me laugh. Also, he has the kind of faith that is mind-blowing. I hope our child will have that kind of faith like his/ her father. Lastly, I love that he is an old school kind of man; he is not a couch potato, he works hard to pay the bills.
What’s one thing don’t people know about DJ Mo?
Mo comes from a humble background. He grew up in Mathare slum and later moved to Rongai slum. He has slept hungry and knows how it feels not to have a roof over one’s head. He was forced to be a breadwinner for his family while still in high school. But look at the man he has become today. He is a hardworking person and to achieve what he has achieved now is a miracle.
Is he the traditional type of husband who expects you to cook and clean for him, or is he the modern man who helps around in the home and kitchen?
He is a traditional man. He makes sure that the rent is paid and he has provided, but when it comes to domestic work, he doesn’t even know how to light the cooker! He loves home-made food. His favourite meal is chicken and rice; so I make sure I cook for him daily. I’m also a traditional woman. I love to take care of my husband; to cook for him, make sure his clothes are clean and ironed, and that the home is clean.
Is there pressure to be a perfect couple because you are gospel celebrities?
Yes, but DJ Mo and I decided early in our relationship that we would ignore all that and instead define our own relationship and boundaries, and not to let society dictate to us how we should act or behave.
What does he think of the old Size 8?
My husband is not the judgmental or overly religious type. He takes people as they are, or he would not have accepted me with my red hair. He would have found something wrong with the way I dress.
What do you do for fun as a couple?
When we have some free time, we hang out at home or go for long drives, and talk for hours. We go out for dinner or watch movies. When we want to discuss our relationship seriously, we go on picnics, and we each open up about anything and everything.
A baby any time soon?
In 2016!